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奥克兰 Assignment 代写 BUSS501 Business in Context
奥克兰 Assignment 代写 BUSS501 Business in Context BUSS501 Business in Context (30.00) An introduction to the context in which business operates. Students will consider the role of business in soc
奥克兰 Assignment 代写 MGMT501 Management and Organisat
奥克兰 Assignment 代写 MGMT501 Management and Organisation MGMT501 Management and Organisation (15.00) An introduction and exploration of the purpose and process of management. The basics of organ
Unitec Assignment 代写 Financial Modelling (ACTY6299)
Unitec Assignment 代写 Financial Modelling (ACTY6299) Financial Modelling (ACTY6299) Level: 6 Credits: 15 (0.125 EFTS) Compulsory: Yes Aim: To provide students with the financial modelling skills to
Unitec Assignment 代写 Financial Accounting (ACTY7201)
Unitec Assignment 代写 Financial Accounting (ACTY7201) Advanced Financial Accounting (ACTY7201) Level: 7 Credits: 15 (0.125 EFTS) Compulsory: No Aim: To enable students to critically examine accounti
Unitec Assignment 代写 Information Technology (ALAF3050)
Unitec Assignment 代写 Information Technology (ALAF3050) Information Technology in Business (ALAF3050) Level: 3 Credits: 15 (0.125 EFTS) Compulsory: Yes Aim: To develop mathematical and digital liter
奥克兰 Assignment 代写 ACCT501 Accounting for Decision
奥克兰 Assignment 代写 ACCT501 Accounting for Decision Making ACCT501 Accounting for Decision Making (15.00) An introduction to the way in which accounting information can be utilised for business
代写 2.226 Human Resource Management Assignment
代写 2.226 Human Resource Management Assignment INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PROGRAMME Semester 2, 2016 COURSE OUTLINE 2.226 Human Resource Management Lecturer : Dr Graeme Sterne Room: - Phone: 021 0242 39
AUT assignment 代写 FINA502 Hospitality Accounting
AUT assignment 代写 FINA502 Hospitality Accounting FINA502 Hospitality Accounting and Finance (15.00) Students will calculate and analyse key accounting and financial measures. In hospitality a range
AUT assignment 代写 EMPL601 Employment Relations
AUT assignment 代写 EMPL601 Employment Relations EMPL601 Employment Relations (15.00) To provide students with a conceptual and practical understanding of the theoretical frameworks for analysing emp
AUT assignment 代写 MGMT721 Leadership Principles
AUT assignment 代写 MGMT721 Leadership Principles MGMT721 Leadership Principles and Practices (15.00) Students develop leadership abilities relevant to their personal growth to equip them for leaders
AUT assignment 代写 HOSP703 Sales and Marketing
HOSP703 Hospitality Sales and Marketing (15.00) Develops an understanding of applied marketing theory in an international hospitality environment. Examines hospitality specific issues such as yield man
代写MIET2137 Industrial Studies Project
MIET2137 Industrial Studies Project Industrial Studies Project Manufacturing Processes Glass-Fibre Composite Materials Overview and marking guide Session 12: Introduction and Design Brief. How to prese
代写BUIL 1305 Research Methods for the Built Environment
代写BUIL 1305 Research Methods for the Built Environment BUIL 1305 Research Methods for the Built Environment Week 5 Research Strategies Nick Blismas Acknowledgments These course materials have histo
代写Sustainability in Hospitality Assignment
代写Sustainability in Hospitality Assignment Sustainability in Hospitality Assignment OBJECTIVE: Research and present an innovative sustainability concept and discuss its current use, or its capacity
代写HSDV 5140 Contemporary Issues in Aotearoa New Zealand
代写HSDV 5140 Contemporary Issues in Aotearoa New Zealand Te Miro Undergraduate HSDV 5140 Contemporary Issues in Aotearoa New Zealand COURSE HANDBOOK SEMESTER 2 2016 COURSE DESCRIPTION Course title:
代写thesis proposal:公司治理作
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