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代写留学生essay:I Am a “Close-Out” Person

发布于2019-10-25 微信essayok 阅读:
Making choice is very common and also very important especially when you can not hold or do more than one things in the same time. Sometimes it is very hard for some person to make a decision or a choice. Just as one old Chinese saying goes, you can not eat your cake and have it too. Learning to make choices is a very important skill in our daily life.
I would like to give an example to illustrate how I make a choice when I want to drop off the websites that I do not like. Sometimes we may be annoyed by the links that automatically pop out from the computer screen. I have to make a choice between “go back” and “close out” when I have to get them out of my sight. I have a choice between “close out” and “go back”. As for me, I prefer to close out the links that I do not like. Compare with “go back”, “close out” is rather convenient and it is more logical for me. As soon as you close out the links, you do not need to concern the network speed. It is much quicker to meet your purpose. It saves me a lot of time. Besides, it seems more in accord with our normal thinking. “Close out” is more suitable for my thinking pattern. As a mathematics learner, I am accustomed to do thing step by step. Close out the jam links, I can be focused on one thing and then I can do it better. Whereas “go back” is usually associated with reversed thinking, which is a little “aberrant”. If I choose “go back”, I have to wait and it is time-consuming. Sometimes I may also be faced with networks blocking. This is the reason why I became a “close-out” person. My classmate Yang Zhang shared the same choice with me. He is also a “close-out” person. He held the view that to close the unpleasant links out can save a lot of effort. This opinion is quite similar to mine. Our main difference lies in the “flexibility” of getting access to web pages. He believed that to close them out can help you to switch easily between different web pages. The author also revealed that he was a very “flexible” person and he was a good listener when people around him stated their opinion. He believed that a “close-out” person tends to be more flexible because they are able to get information easier than those who are not. Thirdly, the “close-out” can also bring some positive effects for the human beings more than the “go back”. If people pay more attentions on the “go back”, it may make them confused as they cannot solve the issues. And with the repeating confusions, it will give rise to a series of bad outcomes and feelings. However, for the “close our”, it can do a great help for the people to relieve their feelings. Sometimes if people can take a rest and give some space to think something again, it can help them easier to figure out a good way to solve the issues.
Although we have different understanding of making a choice, we share some similar views on this issue on the whole. From this compassion, I shall speculate that the majority of person share the same view with us on the whole when they have to make a choice between “close out” and “go back”. Of course, I am convinced that some person may prefer the choice of “go back”. But in the final analysis, they are the minority of this choice.






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