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代写留学生essay:The Causes of Bullying Behavior

发布于2019-10-25 微信essayok 阅读:
The Causes of Bullying Behavior
Bullying has been a very common phenomenon among students, which has aroused great attention of the public. This essay will give an outline of the bullying of the campus by using the cause-effect methods. In addition, this essay will focus on the causes of the bullying behavior of the students especially the teenagers. Since bullying behavior has caused a lot of students to commit suicide, the study about the causes of the bullying behavior and how these bullying behaviors should be avoided or reduced has become a necessity. Some suggestions about how to reduce bullying behaviors will also be proposed in this essay.
Bullying behavior can occur for many reasons, some of which are because that the bullies lack of teacher or parents supervision, some are lack of self-esteem and try to attract attention of others by bullying their peers, some do this because they try to fit in and cannot find another way, some do this because they like to take the charge.
Teens often begin bullying because they want to control those who are weaker than they are. Bullying gives young people an identity, and they become well-known in school. It is quite a normal phenomenon that they are always some students who are very popular in school, such as the so-called prom king or prom queen; while by contrast, there are also some students who are not so popular in their school, such as the so-called scientist geek or nerd. Some popular students sometimes will give those unpopular students a bad nickname which makes those students feel inferior. In this case, some students will be so eager to become well-known in their school so they will make more friends and feel confident and become popular people. In order to achieve this goal, some students will choose to be the bullies especially those who are strong. This may be the fastest way for them to be well-known in their school. Moreover, bullying makes they feel powerful. Some students like to bully their peers especially those who are weaker than them, because by bullying others, they will feel that they are in the charge and will feel very powerful like they have controlled the whole thing. In addition, bullying will help them attract the attention of the girls. There is no doubt that girls tend to admire those who are powerful. According to some statistics, the bullies in school tend to be boys. The female bullies are far less than male bullies. (Casebeer , 2012) Some boys will try to win the adoration and attract attention of the girls they like through bullying their peers because they believe that in this way, the girls will admire them more.






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